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Waterfowl Hunt Results for California Refuges December 19th, 2021

I hunted Delevan Wildlife Refuge on Sunday December 19th. I had a reservation and spent the night at the refuge to avoid the drive down in the morning fog. It was a perfect morning for waterfowl hunting but it was sure slow where I was. I hunted ADA Blind 13D, this is usually an exceptionally good blind located right off the closed zone in the northeast corner of the hunting area. Unfortunately, it was so foggy so I had very little action and although I could hear them and knew they were there I just didn't get much action. I ended the day with 4 Gadwall and 1 Ringer. The ringer was shot at about 15 minutes after shoot time and the Gadwalls all came within about 30 minutes around 11:00 am. I finally gave up and called it a day. It was still better than watching TV.

Here are your refuge results for California Refuges Curtesy of California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Use these results to determine what decoys to take with you to the refuges and other areas near where these refuges are, to increase your success rate. Example: if you see that Gray Lodge is reporting GADW (Gadwall) as the number one reported duck killed, then take Gadwall

Decoys with you to the refuge.

Waterfowl Codes:

AGWT = American Green Wing Teal

AMWI = American Wigeon

BUFF= Bufflehead

GADW= Gadwall

GOLD= Goldeneye

GWFG= Greater White Fronted Goose (Speck)

LSGO= Lessor Snow Goose

MALL= Mallard

NOPI= Northern Pintail

NSHO= Northern Shoveler

RNDU= Ringneck Duck

SCAU= Scaup (or Bluebill)

WODU= Wood Duck


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