Waterfowl Hunt Results for California Refuges December 15th, 2021
Here are your refuge results for California Refuges Curtesy of California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Use these results to determine what decoys to take with you to the refuges and other areas near where these refuges are, to increase your success rate. Example: if you see that Gray Lodge is reporting GADW (Gadwall) as the number one reported duck killed, then take Gadwall
Decoys with you to the refuge.
Waterfowl Codes:
AGWT = American Green Wing Teal
AMWI = American Wigeon
BUFF= Bufflehead
GADW= Gadwall
GOLD= Goldeneye
GWFG= Greater White Fronted Goose (Speck)
LSGO= Lessor Snow Goose
MALL= Mallard
NOPI= Northern Pintail
NSHO= Northern Shoveler
RNDU= Ringneck Duck
SCAU= Scaup (or Bluebill)
WODU= Wood Duck