B Zone Tip: “Don’t Miss the Rain”!!!!!
Here in Northern California we have become so accustomed to the droughts and dry deer seasons we have almost forgotten what it's like to...
B-zone Deer Hunting Tips
Deciding to hunt Blacktail deer in Northern California’s B Zones has to be one of the most interesting and frustrating things a person...
2023 Big Game application time, what will you apply for?
I have a feeling it's going to be a crazy year for hunting in California. So far, we have broken almost all rainfall records in the last...
"Save a Deer shoot a Coyote."
If you are a Deer Hunter in California I have to ask, "Why aren't you Predator hunting!" I will be the first to admit that predator...
Hunting The Jackrabbit Rut
Have you ever heard of the Jack Rabbit Rut? It's the peak of the jackrabbit matting season. In California we have both Black-tailed...
My 2022 Deer Season in Review
This year I ended up drawing absolutely nothing, which, with the weather we had, probably turned out to be a blessing in disguise because...
Where have you Been 2023?
I have received several comments and emails regarding my lack of Blogging over the course of 2022 and it’s true I have been very quiet...
Department of Fish and Wildlife sponsored pheasant hunts for 2022
These hunts are by special draw and you can enter through the DFW or DFG website is you are a Junior or Womens hunter. Put for those of...
Its spring of 2022, Go Shoot some Squirrels
Prather Ranch is Hot again in 2022 As of May13th and May 22, 2022, Prather Ranch squirrel hunting is hot! This year for some reason maybe...
2022 Tag Strategies for California and Oregon
Well, it’s that time of year when we have to decide if we are going to attempt to burn up our accumulated preference points or just hold...